archicake關注於當代人文發展與藝術生活,作品涵蓋建築、策展、空間、傢俱與平面視覺與活動策劃執行,自2008年至今,已從虛擬網路出版與設計,演化為實體策展與建築規劃設計團隊。 在全球多元文化交流融合、傳統創新並陳、科技進化快速的今日,我們相信透過建築實踐與文化策展,可以為未來帶來更多可能性,能夠創造更好的生活空間,並且豐富我們的生活。

Archicake focuses on contemporary humanistic development and artistic life. Its works cover architecture, curation, space, furniture and graphic vision and event planning and execution. Since 2008, it has evolved from virtual online publishing and design to physical curation and architectural planning. design team. In today's era of global multicultural exchanges and integration, traditional innovation and rapid technological evolution, we believe that through architectural practice and cultural curation, we can bring more possibilities to the future, create better living spaces, and enrich our life.

+886 02 2533 8600
104 臺北市中山區明水路401號
401 Mingshui Rd. Taipei Taiwan 104
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