每一座高山都是一首壯闊而美麗的詩歌,由自然、人文、記憶與情感交錯詠唱而成。 為阿里山這首詩歌揭開序幕的,是20世紀初的現代林業與登山鐵道。百年來,人們寄託種種夢想於山林,2019年,「阿里山林業暨鐵道」獲登錄為國家級重要文化景觀,對先人集智慧、技術、辛勤、才華造就的成果,表達了敬意。 層疊繚繞的群山,濃霧裡的紅檜與扁柏攀天聳立,鐵道於山脈之間蜿蜒起伏,帶來四面八方的人們,蔥鬱的山林成為詩歌的舞台。林業發展帶動嘉義的興盛,也奠定嘉義與阿里山共生共榮的關係。 本展覽所在地「動力室」,過去是嘉義製材所的心臟,曾經供應全區所需能源。這棟建築與保留下來的部分遺構,是述說阿里山故事不可或缺的一環。 阿里山的百年詩歌,持續繚繞在山林雲海中,沒有消失。《記憶・阿里山》特展,娓娓道來自然、林業、鐵道、聚落與人文交錯的動人故事,以此作為再次認識阿里山、延續山林與城市關係的新起點。讓阿里山這首詩歌,繼續吟唱,迎向下一個百年。
Every mountain is a grand and beautiful ode, composed with nature, culture, memory, and emotion. The ode of Alishan began with modern forestry and mountain railway in early 20th Century. Over the past century, people have built their dreams and life in the nature. In 2019, “Alishan forestry and railway” was designated as a national cultural landscape. It’s a tribute to ancestral wisdom, technology, diligence, and talent. In the misty mountain ranges, cypresses and cedars tower towards the sky. The railway winds and turns on the hills, and brings in people of different backgrounds. Thick forests have inspired poetic languages, and forestry has supported prosperity in Chiayi as the wood capital. It’s a pride to Chiayi, and also the foundation of mutual prosperity between Chiayi and Alishan. The exhibition is located at Boiler room, the heart of Chiayi Sawmill. It used to provide energy required in the whole area. This building and some legacies are crucial elements in Alishan stories. After a century, the ode of Alishan continues to echo in forests and cloud of sea. The ALISHAN in our memories tells a moving story composed of nature, forestry, railway, community, and culture. It’s a nexus to revisit Alishan, and extend the relationship between nature and city, so the ode of Alishan will continue to flow in the next century.