1908年縱貫線的開通、1910-1930年代岸壁鐵道(碼頭鐵道線)的陸續鋪設,加上製糖會社、水泥會社等產業專用鐵道,百年前的高雄地區,早已形成綿密的運輸路網。二戰後,全臺最大規模的環狀鐵路系統-高雄臨港線,成為高雄晉升工業大城、貨櫃大港的重要推手。 一條條血管似的鐵道,作為高雄這座城市的命脈,運輸無數的旅人與物資,並承載所有高雄人的生活記憶。本展將帶領觀眾跨越百年,一探高雄邁向近代化與鐵道共生共榮的故事。
Kaohsiung has been shaped by an intensive railway network since a century ago, as the completion of the Taiwan Trunk Railway in 1908, and the paving railway construction from 1910s to 1930s for harbors, sugar companies, and cement companies. After World War II, Kaohsiung Harbor Line was the largest circular railway in Taiwan, and became a driver for industrial development and cargo logistics. These railways have brought life into the city, and carried passengers, goods, and collective memories. It’s a story about how modernization in Kaohsiung is powered by railway over 100 years.